Executives are
reluctant to utilize electronic data
communications for their confidential
communications because of the risk of
improper distribution and discovery. Many
executives have been harmed because their
sensitive messages have been utilized in
ways unintended at the time of writing of
the message. Sending messages to trusted
partners is risky because the trusted
partner often sends it on to their trusted
partners for advice. Rapidly, hundreds of
people can have a copy of sensitive
information and often one of those
recipients is not trustworthy.
Customers traditionally protect their information
by building barriers to access. Billions of dollars
are spent per year on firewalls, virtual private
networks, secure data bases, virus blockers, and
server hardening. These barriers provide valuable
functions. However, they don’t do anything to
protect the content of files against misuse by
anyone who has access to the file. Anyone who has
access to the file can intentionally or by mistake
send the information to “the enemy.”
Customers are now starting to recognize the
significance of the problem. Most customers are only
recently starting to think about the fact that
traditional security solutions build a fort around
the information but don’t do anything to protect the
information from actions of people inside the fort.
Forts are no longer useful in the modern military
because the enemy can penetrate most any military
fort. Similarly, information security forts are no
longer adequate to protect against cyber theft.
In addition to compliance with laws and
regulations, companies are now recognizing that they
must protect their information as a valuable asset.
The Wall Street Journal has stated the following
summary of the problem. “But now companies are
starting to look for ways to keep stuff from getting
out. The reason is simple: for all the damage that
invading viruses can do to a system, businesses
increasingly realize their greater vulnerability is
already inside. It’s Marge in accounting or Bert in
the call center – employees who have access to
valuable trade secrets, financial data or
confidential client information and who,
intentionally or not, might send it to someone who
isn’t authorized to receive it.” Forbes included an
article titled, “The Insider, when a top employee is
suspected of stealing data, things can get messy.”
It states that “Insider network abuse ranks second
only to viruses, according to the annual Computer
Security Institute – FBI survey. Employees often
keep duplicate versions of sensitive data on their
PDAs, BlackBerrys and home computers. Of the
companies in the FBI study that reported insider
abuse – and 80% did – one third didn’t even know how
many times their systems had been compromised.
Integrity, not ability or the fear of getting
caught, is all that separates a conscientious
employee from a thief.” Information Week states the
key point, “Data breaches are a constant threat and
put companies in danger of losing their most
valuable asset: customer trust,” is perhaps the
greatest concern that companies should have. “The
potential black eye that a company could receive is
measurable in hard dollars, especially when you
tally lost customer business, goodwill with
customers, as well as lost future business.”
“Despite growing concern over identity theft, it
appears that companies aren’t doing all that they
can to protect customer data.”
The crucial role that enterprise DRM (eDRM)can play is
just starting to be recognized. One of the reasons
that eDRM has not been recognized as playing a major
role is that most eDRM products are not built to be
compatible with the needs. Many industry analysts
have observed that effective use of enterprise DRM
requires sharing of files of all popular formats
with diversely located users who use different
systems. They have observed that most eDRM products
are designed to work within one enterprise
environment on one operating system and for sharing
of files in just a few formats. Customers are now
asking for an eDRM product that can be easily used
to share files in all popular file formats with
people around the world.
One of the industry analysts who has stated the
importance of these key variables is eWeek writer
Jim Rapoza. On April 26, 2004 he wrote that most digital
rights management information security products "are
tied to Microsoft Corp.'s Office or Adobe Systems
Inc.'s Acrobat." He stated that FileSECURE is
different. "The result: intuitive applications that
enabled us in tests, to manage rights and policies
for content access and distribution, protect content
in a drag-and-drop authoring client, and read
protected content in a simple reader application."
Most products have not been designed to meet
these crucial requirements. AirZip FileSECURE has
been designed to enable communications with
confidence with people anywhere with all printable
file formats. AirZip FileSECURE server runs on all
popular operating systems including Microsoft Windows,
IBM AIX, Hewlett-Packard HP-UX, Apple Mac OS X and
Sun Solaris, and Linux. And AirZip FileSECURE clients
run on all Windows versions from 98 on.
More about AirZip