FileSECURE can improve the operations
efficiency of your organization in several
ways. It can enable you to speed your
operations by using secure electronic
communications rather than unsecure FAX and
less secure, slow, and costly overnight
couriers. It can also fit efficiently into
your operation because it is designed to run
in your operating environment.
Many Benefits
Scan-Secure-Send using FileSECURE's ScanSECURE
option to reduce operating expenses and
increase security, speed, and tracking of
confidential documents. AirZip’s FileSECURE paired
with any modern electronic scanner creates the
perfect alternative to expensive overnight or
two-day document delivery services. |
Reduce costs of document
Protect documents from
unauthorized viewing
Control access to private
documents, even after delivery
Deliver documents faster than
Proof the material was viewed,
not just received
File usage reports generated in
your own specified formats
Easy to use – security and
savings require only a push of a button
Modern digital imagers and copiers
are able to scan a document and create an electronic
image that is typically stored on a local PC. Using
the Scan-Secure functionality of AirZip’s FileSECURE
software on the PC, scanned images are automatically
protected with 256-bit AES encryption and emailed as
a persistently secured file to the intended
recipients. A FileSECURE protected file is only
accessible by authorized individuals in a controlled
fashion. The document owner determines what the
recipients may do with the file (View only, Print,
Save a copy, establish an avaialable and/or expiration date and time)
and can dynamically alter these permissions at any
Fit with your
AirZip FileSECURE works in your
operating environment:
With your file formats –
Any file can be encrypted, stored, and sent with
decryption tracking. Any printable file can be
secured without need for the native application
on the recipient’s computer. Files can open
automatically in the native application if the
user has edit permission.
With your email system –
With a click of the send button, your default
email client (whether Outlook, Outlook Express,
Lotus Notes, AOL, Netscape, or Eudora) opens
with the protected file already attached and
ready to send.
With your repository
directories – Any files stored in your
designated directories can be automatically
protected according to the rules defined for the
particular directory. The person storing the
file needs nothing more than he/she currently
has. Everything is automatic resulting in
excellent protection and tracking with no
training or changes of procedures.
With your web site –
FileSECURE can be integrated into your web site
to enable those you permit to provide files
directly from their computers or information
typed onto the site page to be secured and
delivered only to authorized people with
permissions set by the user or your
With your file delivery
methods – Protected files can be delivered
in any way that you currently deliver files.
(email attachments, ftp from a server directory,
delivery from a web site, CDROMs, tapes, etc.)
The protection and tracking and benefits are
independent of the delivery method.
With your choice of server
operating systems - Windows, Linux, Solaris
With your choice of user
operating systems - Windows 98, Windows
98SE, Windows 2000, Windows NT4, Windows XP, and
more are planned
With your choice of
authentication – Users can be authenticated
by the method and at the time that you have
implemented for systems login.
With your LDAP standard user
data base – No need to administer your users
in a separate data base. Or you can import user
data using CSV files from your directory or
synchronize with popular LDAP directories.
With your activity reporting
requirements – Custom reports of activity
With your data base report
generator – Custom Integration can enable
your data base report generator to automatically
create secured reports.
More about AirZip