AirZip, a division of Willow Technology, Inc.
AirZip is a leading software and hosted service provider of enterprise
information rights management and document security software as well as patented
compression and image acceleration technology.
AirZip security solutions deliver easy to use file,
and email content protection, providing users with
controlled access to confidential or restricted
AirZip acceleration solutions provide customizable,
plug-and-play image acceleration across a wide range of
devices, networks and data sources delivering the
promise of a dynamic broadband experience over "anyband"
to realize greater return on existing infrastructure
AirZip customers include small, medium and global
manufacturing, financial and services based enterprises
as well as local, state and national government bodies.
AirZip has its US office in Tacoma, WA. Willow
Technology's corporate headquarters is located in
Douglas, Isle of Man. AirZip Asia Limited,
headquartered in Hong Kong, is responsible for sales, marketing
and distribution of AirZip products for the Asian market.
AirZip's sales
offices are located in Tacoma, Hong Kong and Douglas. AirZip
is represented by partners in China and Taiwan. AirZip
was founded in 1999. FileSECURE was originally
introduced in 2002. AirZip was acquired from its
Venture Capital investor's at the end of 2004 and is
today an operating division of
privately held
Willow Technology,
Inc. |